walk walk walk walk walk walk. your only objective is to keep going. until you reach the end.

mash arrow keys to move. (yeah, mash.) reach the door to move onto the next scene.

endurance is key! you can linger but you'll never reach the end that way. but maybe you don't want to reach the end haha *bites lip* that's sooooo alt of you babe I respect that

the time will pass regardless of what you do so like, it wouldn't hurt to keep at it and MOVE... c'mon let's sweat


let the music take control

let the rhythm move you



let the music take control

let the rhythm move you!


Tang-nondestination_MAC_051024.zip 65 MB
Tang-nondestination_WIN_051024.zip 68 MB


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That alarm is going to ring in my ears for hours... much like my alarm in the morning!

This style is so cool! I ended up never getting out of bed because I got impatient :(. It's now a day of bed rotting *sigh*

Same, as someone who normally sleeps in... A LOT (I normally sleep like 10 hours and get out of bed at 11ish when I don't have class), I felt I wouldn't be true to myself if I was actually dedicated and got out of bed.

I really like the TV scene, the style is so cool!