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The story is so interesting LOL, the first time I choose the gamble option, and actually won it, but the lost all the money to the hospital because of a backflip LOL, that really got me to laugh, nice images used in the background, and great story :D

Nothing could prepare me for the surprise gambling mini game, unfortunately now I am in crippling debt (-3) and I am hungry because Tim refused to get me a burrito. Now I need to gamble to win my money back and to destress. Amazing time at Wolmort!

This was super funny! I loved the images that accompanied the text, really puts it all together and adds to the humor. I got fired my first play through for trying to fire Timmy. No job and worse, no burrito.

Oh this Timmy guy is so awesome. I remember looking at my neighbor's screen in class to see "what's up uglies" and I burst out laughing. Still did this time around. I am very pleased to be nepobesties with Tim.

I love the humor in this game. I was giggling while reading the dialogue. Good job!

I love how I can develop a gambling addiction, get fired, and get a new friend all in one sitting! 

Great use of the counter. 

The sheer number of stock images in this game is impressive, truly outstanding.

I do think having a bunch of different things you can juggle and goals to manage is interesting for this type of game, though! I’d like to see what would happen if you add more stuff to mess with in terms of things to do, just making it a whole chaotic mess would be great.

Loved the game! I thought it was really funny to see the responses all turning out to be bad at the end. Was funny to add the broke ending and was really creative.

Like how the escape from Timmy is gambling and yet is no escape at all, as we end up breaking our bones and spending our winnings on med bills. Also like that we can go broke from gambling lol. (Was kinda difficult for me to do so cuz i kept winning somehow

This game is so good. The humorous quips throughout really brought it together for me. Also the use of stock images is very funny, and I enjoyed trying to find the different endings!

I noticed others mentioning the different key presses to continue as well, personally I think its intentional with the humor of the game. I also find that the middle of the screen is essentially empty while the sides are what have text and images, it adds to the weird silliness that feels intential.

The page design does feel special, kind like a designing page, also its give me the feeling of 3d, since the character is always at left and I need move my eyes check it after reading text.

I really appreciate the shortness of the experience and the humor present in the game. The game is short, sweet, and succinct - gets to the point quickly and enjoyably, along with a quick repeat experience for multiple runthroughs. Like LeUmbonoTheSecond, though, I do wonder about the key changes from screen to screen - do they serve some higher purpose, or is it just for fun?

(1 edit)

Good implementation of the restart in this small experience, especially because it has multiple endings. It lets you get back into the game quickly and continue another run.

I wonder if there was a rhythm to the keys you decided to use for choice selection? I noticed they change from screen to screen. Maybe there was a deeper meaning I didn't catch 🤔

I noticed that too! I saw someone above say they thought it added to the comedy which I can totally see, I also liked how it kept me more ingaged because I didn't just have my finger on one key the whole game. I thought the subject matter was really funny that no matter what I did I ended up in a worse spot (all my bones broken, no money, etc.,)

eeee i love the use of dry humor to cover an actually nasty issue!!! images were perfect in helping with the irony :)